Anne Andrews
Anne Andrews has considerable experience navigating bankruptcies involving mass tort claims having served on Unsecured Creditors’ Committees in TwinLab, N.V.E., and Chemtura, including as the Chair of the Tort Claimants’ Committee in NECC, a bankruptcy involving hundreds of seriously injured people with fungal meningitis caused by a compounding pharmacy. In conjunction with renown bankruptcy lawyers, Anne has helped create and implement creative architectures to resolve mass tort cases inside of bankruptcies.
Sean Higgins
Sean Higgins is a fierce advocate for those injured by corporate greed like that of PG&E. He was appointed by a court to the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee in the North Bay Fires litigation and was, prior to the PG&E bankruptcy, instrumental in developing the liability case against PG&E by showing how grossly negligent its line operators were. He understands the concerns of agricultural claimants and the wine industry. Together with Anne Andrews, Sean is representing multiple facets of the wine industry, including winegrowers, negociants, and winemakers.
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